Thursday, March 19, 2020

To Kill A Mocking Bird themes essays

To Kill A Mocking Bird themes essays In the novel To kill a Mockingbird there are a few main themes that run throughout it. The themes are; coming of age, racism and feminism. Each of theses has a special imporance in this book and Im writing about all three in this essay. In the book there are many examples of the theme coming of age. In the book Scout does a lot of growing up from the beginning to the end. In the beginning she was immature and mischievious. She was always playing around with Jem and Dill trying to sneek a look at Boo Radley. She doesnt take the time or effort to find out who the real Boo is she just goes along with the myth that he is crazy. After Boo saves Scout and Jems lives from Bob Ewell Scout then realizes that the myths about Boo Radley are not true. In the last chapter Scout walked Boo home and reflects what it must be like to stand in his shoes and walk around in them(pg. 275). This shows Scouts coming of age. I think that the most dominant theme in the story was racism. In the trial of Tom Robinson there were many times where racism was an issue. Since Tom is black he doesnt get as fair of a trial as he should. People thought right away that he was guilty just by the color of his skin. People in that time had no respect for blacks in that time. People ordered them around like when Mayella said to Tom,I said come here niger, and bust up this chiffarobe for me.(pg.180). Another theme in the book was feminism. If you were a woman in that time there was a certain way that you were to act. If you didnt act that way, society would look at you differently. For example Scout is a tom-boy and she doesnt wear dresses like other girls, but on the first day of school she has to wear a dress because that is what girls were supposed to wear. Another way the book shows feminism is that women are not given as many rights as men. It was said There has be ...

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