Monday, December 23, 2019

Interpersonal And Organizational Communication Essay

Interpersonal and Organizational Communication Communication is an essential component in any relationship, including how it affects organizational behaviors. Too much, or lack thereof, can determine if the message was properly sent, understood, and received. According to Popovic and Hocenski (2009), leaders need to be able to communicate to their subordinates in language they can understand regardless of their level within the organization (Popovic Hocenski, 2009, pp. 15-16). Because communication is a vital part of organizational structure, leaders need to have a thorough understanding of communication. â€Å"To determine which verbal communication behaviors are commonly used, one needs to first establish the relationship between†¦show more content†¦If the communication was not properly channeled, it creates barriers or noise interference which hinders the communication process making the message unclear. Communication should be clear, concise, and succinct to avoid any room for misinterpretation; Negative nonverbal cues such as, facial expressions, hand gestures, and body language, could discredit the person-to-person conversation. Communication scholars argue that one should not assume that more communication is equated with better communication (Keyton, 2013, p. 154), especially with the added use of nonverbal cues. It is understood that interpersonal communication is important, but whether it changes the landscape of a business for the better is another question, altogether. There are both formal and informal communications in the workplace; Formal, dealing with work decisions and the latter, dealing with friendships and non-work-related banter. Research shows that interpersonal communication can have a profound effect in the workplace in both positive and negative manners. Successful communication can ease conflicts and create open channels in conflict management situations. Consequently, choosing the right medium of communicating is key to conveying the intended message; at the same time, active listening also plays a factor in how the intended message is received. â€Å"Communication is a topic frequently linked to leadership; however, the linkage often isShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Oral Communication Skills Among University Graduates From A Managerial Perspective995 Words   |  4 PagesThe gap between oral communication proficiency among university graduates and the workplace requirements of the same has received a contentious attention in the recent past. Due to industrial transformation and global competition, university students are increased being required to integrate their oral skills and their specialized knowledge for them to gain an edge in the job market and remain synchronized with the world as well. 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