Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The author Ken Kesey was born in La Junta, Colorado and...

The author Ken Kesey was born in La Junta, Colorado and went to Stanford University. He volunteered to be used for an experiment in the hospital because he would get paid. In the book â€Å"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest†, Kesey brings up the past memories to show how Bromden is trying to be more confident by using those thoughts to make him be himself. He uses Bromden’s hallucinations, Nurse Ratched’s authority, and symbolism to reveal how he’s weak, but he builds up more courage after each memory. It first started out as a hallucination for Bromden to show how he portrays his current situations in a different perspective .In the beginning of the novel, Kesey indicates that â€Å"it’s not so thick but what [he] can see if [he] strain real hard†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦About more than half of the novel, Bromden had another flashback where â€Å"[he] tried to look where the dog was looking to see if [he] could find the flock, bu t it was too dark† (Kesey 142). In this case Bromden is the dog because he’s too afraid to talk, he just stands there and endures it like the dog looking for the flock for help. Bromden’s always stuck in the â€Å"dark† which is the fog Bromden usually fantasizes. Before McMurphy was going to leave to go fishing Bromden had the urge to come along, but they would know â€Å"[he] [had] been hearing all [those] talk about boats and fishing it’d show [he’s] been hearing about everything for the past ten years† (Kesey 178). The focus on the word â€Å"boats† which make it seem more restricted for Bromden because he’s stuck in one place, to either talk or not talk. The â€Å"fishing† refers to how of all people Bromden is in the ward and has to be that one â€Å"fish† that won’t let anything or anyone downgrade himself. Lastly, Nurse Ratched takes the role of authority and shows she’s the controller inside the ward. Bromden was hiding when he saw â€Å"[her] carrying her woven wicker bag like the ones the Umpqua tribe sells out along the hot August highway†. Since the â€Å"woven wicker bag† Nurse Ratched is carrying is woven with holes, it can indicate that the holes are her eyes and that she knows what goes on in the ward and the things in her bag is what she uses to fix them up. The bag is a representation of how NurseShow MoreRelatedOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey1916 Words   |  8 PagesOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Ken Kesey Final One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, written by Ken Kesey, was a very successful novel which was impactful on the world in the past, and still is today. Ken Kesey, a big believer in individuality and the freedom to be oneself, brought new meaning to the world of psychiatry that changed treatments forever. This book didn’t just affect American society, it had a global impact. All around the world there are people that are admitted into mental institutions

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